Friday 6 July 2007

Are we there yet? 我們到底到了沒? Part I

the story is told through the eyes of eight ...As a child we said it; as a parent you never stop hearing it--"are we there yet?"
第一頁就是澳洲地圖,還有箭頭標識路線,wow 是環澳洲一圈,那要花多久時間阿?

Starting out...
第一段介紹,Grace family 全家要出遊.看完這一段,心頭馬上想起..難怪以前人會說這句 "讀萬卷書,不如行千里路".Grace和他的兄弟們整整一學期沒去上課...我..我也要去啦..
怎麼環澳洲? 拖個Camper Trailer ..或者叫做 在車子後面,上星期跟兒子說完前幾頁.,上網 找.跑出好多圖片,哥哥以為這只不過是故事..當他看到時..笑笑說.真的有咧..

我說帶個家四處跑,不錯吧?  澳洲粉大,跟台灣不一樣,在野外沒有飯店住唷,睡在 camper trailer..裡頭粉安全,媽媽以前學生時代跟朋友住過.caravan..其實粉舒服呢.Grace 家的阿公阿嬤.顧家 ..照顧寵物,我跟哥哥說.我們爺爺以前都不跟我們出遠門..因為怕累啦..

The year I turned eight, Mom and Dad took us on a trip around Australia. Luke, Billy and I missed school for the whole winter term.Nan and Poppa stayed behined to look after Buffy and Tigger and Bess.We towed Poppa's old camper trailer, and it was our home for three months. It folded out to make a little house, with a table, a fridge, two double beds, a stove and a sink. It had everything we needed.Luke slept in his swag under the stars except when it rained, and then he bunked in with us.We were squashed but it was cosy.The day we left, i helped Nan pin up a big map of Australia so she and Poppa could follow our journey.
I wish I was coming, Grace," Nan said, as she hugged me tight. "I'm going to miss our cuddles."

這本粉長 誰叫澳洲這麼大...

to be continued....

Are we there yet? 我們到底到了沒? Part II



阿布拉 said...

beky mom,
阿布拉 喵喵阿姨

版主 said...

Dearest 喵喵阿姨,
