Thursday 19 July 2007

Are we there yet? 我們到底到了沒? Part II

Are we there yet? 我們到底到了沒? Part I

終於上路了,要出門去玩你會粉興奮嗎? 我會柳..

第一站是Coorong,Coorong 最著名的地方就是"鵜鶘"..雖然澳洲延海都有鵜鶘,
但在Coorong,鵜鶘住在離陸地不遠的小島上. 澳洲土著叫這個地方 kyrangh 意思是 the long neck


第二站是Barossa Valley是澳洲最有名的製造葡萄酒的地區,去了別忘了帶幾瓶酒回家品嚐唷.

第三站是Flinders Ranges的風景美到不行..套句裡頭說的話:
Ah, life can't always be this good, so savour your time and bring lots of film... these will be memories you'll want to relive.

第四站是Streaky Bay
為什麼叫Streaky Bay ..是..Captain Matthew Flinders rediscovered and named Streaky Bay whilst examining the South Australian coast in the ship the Investigator. He named it after the streaks in the water in the bay (caused by the reflection of light and seaweed)
And the water was much discoloured in Streaks ..... and I called it Streaky Bay"
這裡.複製的大白鯊別忘看唷.Great White Shark Replica

第五站是Murphy's Haystacks,Haystacks是乾草堆,這是岩石為什麼叫成乾草堆,
乾草堆在Murphy土地上.所以做稱為Murphy's Haystacks

行經Nullarbor Plain 至.Great Australian bight .是一棵樹都沒有樹的地方 tree 柳..

第六站是Great Australian bight 澳洲最大的海灣,大到有個說法是個大巨人把這塊土地咬了好大一塊,下次吃餅乾也想像自己是巨人,來個..Great Australian bite
因為海灣粉大,水溫度好造就了粉特別的生物像..Australian sea lion/Southern right whale/Leafy sea dragons等得以在此生存.. yeah!!!


inside text of the story..:

On the road at Last
I waved to Nan and Poppa until Dad turned on to the road leading out to the highway. I felt sad and excited at the same time.
Nobody said anything forages, not until we reached the coast.
Then, at the Coorong, Luke made us laugh. 'Look,' he said, 'a pilican. its beak can hold more than it's belly can.'
We saw the las autumn leaves fluttering like flags on the grapevines  葡萄藤 of the Barossa Valley.
On our first night we camped on the edge of the Flinders Ranges. It felt like we were the only people in the world.
At Streaky Bay we stuck our heads in the mouth of a great white shark.
We made letters with our shadows at Murphy's Haystacks. The giant boulders glowed in the afternoon sun.
That evening at the camping groud, Mum said Billy had to use the women's bathroom because he was still little. He was embarrassed.
'Okay,' he said, 'but if anyone comes in, call me Kylie.'
We drove past wheat silos and windmills, and Billy said,'Are we there yet?'
It took us two days to cross the Nullarbor Plain. I waved to the people in passing cars and trucks, and they always waved back.
We all had our favourite positions in the car.
The Great Australian bight loooked like a giant had bitten a huge chunk out of Australia.
Dad and Luke stood right on the edge of the cliff, but Mum stayed back. She held on to Billy and me so tight that my hand went numb.
'Ooh,' she said. "I can't look.'
At head of bight we was ten whales in the sea below us. A mother and her calf were rolling and wallowing together. Their mournful music sounded like an underwater orchestra.
'It's making me sleep,' I said to Mum.'They must be singing a whale lullaby.'



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