Monday, 24 March 2008

3個小海盜故事書 The Three Little Pirates

text from here




other text from here

Trixy, Tammy and Trig are three little girl pirates who live aboard The Lucky Lobster with their pets Mullet the dog, Kipper the cat and a seagull called Gulliver. Their friends include some boy pirates and a friendly sea-monster; and whenever they need to buy teabags or telescopes, all they need to do is to go to kind old Mr Spoons at Harbour Stores. When they hear about a nasty pirate who has been catching all the mermaids
in the sea, they set sail to rescue the last mermaid left - tiny Miney-Mo.

Here's a delightful splash of ocean fun and adventure, following the same pattern as the highly successful THREE LITTLE WITCHES STORYBOOK. There are eight stories to read aloud or for children to enjoy alone, with lots of bright funny pictures, maps to follow, clues to find and puzzles to solve.

our version:


畫的粉可愛柳 ...海盜都長這麼古錐嗎?

華弟: 「媽媽我是小海盜,媽媽是媽媽海盜..
華弟: 「我想想....
媽媽: 「你好好想,晚上到家跟我說好嗎?.看看誰是可愛的海怪艾諾.


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