Thursday, 10 April 2008


Last night we invited Viv and her daughter came over for hamberger meal.

well.. the name of the hamberger was named by "美味蟹堡"

there isn't any 蟹肉 inside.. it's simply just named by Edward who seen the Spongebob DVD for a few times then decided to called any hamberger this name.


聽Viv 的 ..


漢堡肉我照這個做法...裡頭說..放豆腐比較經濟..ha ha..我就跟著放..哪知結果吃起來好嫩柳...


華弟在我要做之前跟我說:「媽媽,沒放洋蔥也沒關係,沒放酸黃瓜也沒關係,沒放青菜也沒關係!」心想..你說什麼我都要聽厚..?? 你不吃青菜跟我來這一招!!


小孩粉愛唷...今早華弟說要帶一個給老師吃.. ha ha..我就準備一個..


Viv 母女倆走了,她叫我順便烤她送我的餅乾"Ice Box Cookie"...真是人間美味柳..上次我們做的那個chocolate chip cookie..都比不上這個

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