Tuesday, 31 July 2007

恭喜恭喜! 多謝多謝!

疼愛姪子的小舅在兩個兒子回阿媽家時,不忘教他背乘法.兒子們對這位胖舅簡直是又怕又愛..教哥哥背乘法,每天要被一行.每天小舅下班前,哥哥就一直問阿媽小舅何時回來..因為小舅會考他.....小舅會用愉快的口語問正在吃晚飯的哥哥.. 7*8是多少?

Monday, 30 July 2007

恭喜恭喜! 多謝多謝!

小舅會用愉快的口語問正在吃晚飯的哥哥.. 7*8是多少?




last friday.. rush back to my mom's place right after work.by the time i arrived it's 9:00pm..老媽跟幾個嬸嬸,伯母在學.工廠裡學.肚皮舞.我馬上圍上肚皮舞衣就下去跳了 連跳了快1個半小時...真舒服..兩個兒子在旁看一群女人跳舞.哥哥說..媽媽你們在跳屁屁舞.是厚..!!


Grandmom took boys back to her place last Friday.
I went back to pick them home.
The little one negotiate with me.
are u sure? i asked him..yes.. he said..
still got the same answer.ok then..
the little one even remind me to tell his teacher "Coco" that he is stay here for a week.
Later Grandmom said to him.. since you miss the kindi there.. you could make it up here ok..
he replied..阿媽我是來休息的.


sat night.. after we came back from..taipei..i drop by the body shop.. and put on those perfume sample on..Sean said.. i smell nice.. and the next morning.. he came to me and smell me again.. he said.. 媽媽你最近都好香唷..你知道媽?..你要保持漂亮..這樣爸爸才會喜歡 你..你難道不知道嗎.這簡單道理都不懂.... 這樣公的才會喜歡..我心裡笑了出來...真的是昆蟲書看太多了..
i then told my hus..my hus..拍拍手..回:兒子說得好.

Friday, 27 July 2007


媽媽..螳螂是母的把公的吃掉.母蟻也都活好久,要一直生螞蟻..公的螳螂和母螳螂交配後,母螳螂把公螳螂吃掉.公的比母的早死.爸爸那麼老,你那麼年輕,媽媽你要小心點唷.不要把爸爸吃掉唷! ..爸爸聽到直搖頭,我是笑翻了,哥哥你說我粉年輕市正確的,但是爸爸不是螳螂啦.


Thanks allymom.. post the website for me to read
冰箱裡的怪物 http://epaper.pchome.com.tw/archive/last.htm?s_date=old&s_dir=20070620&s_code=0776&s_cat=

冰箱也有wishing 許願功能柳.hmmmm...ha ha..

20070614 吉貝's 渡假村

6/14..stay in 吉貝's 渡假村.http://www.e-penghu.com.tw/069911366/modules/myalbum/viewcat.php?cid=7
落地窗一開門外面就是海景....抵達時..是下午..4~5點..剛好退潮..老闆建議我們到石滬去抓螃蟹..有了石滬..擋下來不及跑走地魚隻和螃蟹 ..我們有老闆幫我們準備的手套..抓了被撞昏.的兩隻河豚和兩隻螃蟹.走在石頭上感覺著海水..感覺真好..
晚上就在度假村旁....(度假村是改良地鐵皮屋)...搭起地亭子BBQ....烤海鮮..一份要1500..真是貴..但配美景..ok la.. 哥哥當晚就發燒..我整晚都起來看..沒怎摩睡.也沒跟爸爸說..他粉累..沿路一直在講電話.坐飛機.或一坐下來..都在睡.隔天6/15一早5點就起來..看到一位阿婆..在草地上拔草..走過去問她..阿婆您在找什麼?..她用台語回我..說是風茹草,煮開水喝了會退火..再在問她哪裡有診所..她說 ..這裡沒有診所..只有衛生所..8點開..再去看啦.關心地問我有沒有帶健保卡.說趁太陽出來前..空氣又好.趕快去逛逛..還說她平常都是住台灣.每年暑假都會帶孫子回吉貝住幾個月.說這裡空氣好..我們謝謝了她.自已帶著2個小孩在島上騎機車跑...可能是弟弟在家也是同樣地症狀.燒了快4 天.醫生有說會這樣...當哥哥發燒時.我不怎麼擔心..我們找早餐店.. 看風景..吉貝粉小柳..一下下就逛完了..真的粉棒..還不到8點..我們3人已經把吉貝街逛透了.. 早餐店其實就是個住家..住家外面寫兩個字."早餐"..一個老阿公看到我們就笑.我們也回笑...當我們從外面吃飽回來....爸爸還在睡..我們又去海邊..看到剛剛那位阿伯..我就上前問..剛剛在早餐店看到您..老阿伯一邊跟我說話一邊穿要下水地裝備..講了幾句他才問我...你是遊客??.他一直以為我是當地人,我那麼黑嗎?..他跟我們說他要下去採海螺..回渡假村老公被我們吵醒 ..老闆娘說去吃早餐.什麼有早餐..好吧再吃ㄧ次..ha ha ..我跟老公說小孩發燒..可是他說小孩不用去看啦..so 就沒去看..只讓哥哥喝水..看他明明發燒 .. 精神還是很好.. 9點多我們6個人3台摩托車..又去繞島一圈..先到沙尾騎了海灘車..騎到最尾巴的地方..玩水..再從南往北騎 ..天氣有點陰暗..好舒服唷..雨來就在亭子下等雨停..忙碌地老公,要賺錢又要帶我們出門玩...他說..再平常上班天請假就是這點不好..oh well...感覺有點..@#$%@!%^.. 他真累..他說在累也要帶小孩出門走走.. 好那那我盡量不要吵他..就是感覺粉不好.
要去吃午飯時逛到島上最北邊的地方.看到老阿伯的腳踏車. 蝦米..他已經換地方了..還在找海螺..澎湖人真是樂天知命阿..享受生活!!..吃完好吃地午餐..母子三人先到遊客中心去.一大早5點就起床現在累了..爸爸和大伯夫妻們去拿行李..到了遊客中心.小朋友卻不想睡..吉貝遊客服務中心有個文物展示館..沒遊客.太棒了...小姐都在旁陪著我們 .還都粉用心的解答我們的疑問...
問.我們坐飛機要降落時有看到海邊都有用石頭堆起來心型的東西粉美.是什麼.怎麼做的? 抓魚的叫石滬..一大顆的玄武岩切成一小塊..一小塊....
那大都是幾個人? 是不是每個人都可以來抓魚?大部分是10幾個人.不行啦..辛辛苦苦做.就是這些做的人來抓的,做石滬都要簽約 .心想真不可思議阿..

以前沒帶小孩..只想做....horizontal exercise and sleep...ha ha


電影裡超人媽媽在超人爸爸出門時對他說:親愛的,我愛你!"哥哥馬上粉氣憤的回頭對我說,媽媽你都沒陪爸爸到車庫去.也沒這樣親爸爸! 你知道嗎,這是你做老婆該做的事..我真傻眼..回他..是是.哥哥我都有上樓去親爸爸你沒看到啦.哥哥又說:媽媽你知道嗎,結婚後就是要好好相處嗎?來個這種表情.稍後我跟老公說,老公說,就是ㄚ..我馬上粉不客氣地回他,親愛的..我出門你還在床上柳...真是..#$^%$#^
這小一生還真的粉關心我們柳....原來父母間的恩愛小孩都看在眼裡..ha ha..


Daddy's always right by Credo theatre

Nina and Vassil couples formed a Credo theatre.
We are so lucky to go and saw the play "Daddy's always right" two weeks ago(14-July-2007).
The story based on Hans Christian Andersen story, is about an old loving couple wanting to swap the old horse for something else. Daddy went to market to swap it.
For the start he swap the horse to Cow, then ship, then Lanter with one chicken,,.. then to rotten apples. What, he swap it to rotten apples. At the bar, there is this gentleman..having a bet with Daddy! If Mommy does not get angry then, the gentle will give them a box of Gloden..
See how it happen...love is EVERYTHING!
Mommy always fully support of what Daddy's does and even reward him with a great kisses for everything he does, no matter what he swap. At end of the story the loving couple got a box of gold..Wow...Aren't life wonderful!

other info from here

THEATRE “CREDO”DADDY’S ALWAYS RIGHTafter „Daddy’s Always Right” by H. Ch. AndersenStage adaptation Nina Dimitrova, Yuriy DachevIdea, stage version, set design and costumes Nina Dimitrova, Vassil Vassilev - ZuekCast Nina Dimitrova, Vassil Vassilev – Zuek
The actors Nina Dimitrova and Vassil Vassilev-Zuek founded the independent theatre formation “Credo” in 1992. Their first show “The Overcout” after N. V Gogol gained an extraordinary success. In it the theatre tandem was noted by its expressive and original improvisational style. Already 13 seasons “The Overcoat” has been on stage in Theatre 199 and over the world. It has been performed at over 150 international theatre festivals, winning 11 internationa awards and being performed in 9 languages. At the Edinburgh festival’ 97 it was listed by the critics in their “Top 20” best events. “Daddy’s always right” after Andresen’s story of the same name, is the new production of “Credo”. Created at invitation and with the support of foundation “Hans Christian Andersen 2005” , its international premiere was in Denmark in the frame of the worldwide celebration of the 200th anniversary of the great writer’s birth. The show has been already invited to participate in international theatre festivals in Japan, South Korea and Poland. “Daddy’s always right” is a fairy-tale for adults, performed in a fantastic theatricality,
A stunning rhythm of performing that emanates warmth and coziness. And what a charming piece of acting!“Stiftstidende”, Denmark


Tuesday, 24 July 2007


哥哥你想怎麼去台北,你的行李蠻大的,我們可以坐計程車或公車.坐計程車一趟要4~5百,坐公車去一趟要150上下,你想做那一個?哥哥:那就做公車,比較省!哥哥最近有進步,買東西會開始拿相同的東西來比價了...媽媽我還在常常看到喜歡的就粉衝動的階段.昨天跟爸爸說了哥哥的情形,爸爸回:.. 那粉好。想說爸爸會好好誇獎我這當媽教的好.. hmmm..我看還早 ..


sat night.. after we came back from..taipei..i drop by the body shop.. and put on those perfume sample on..Sean said.. i smell nice.. and the next morning.. he came to me and smell me again.. he said.. 媽媽你最近都好香唷..你知道媽?..你要保持漂亮..這樣爸爸才會喜歡 你..你難道不知道嗎.這簡單道理都不懂.... 這樣公的才會喜歡..我心裡笑了出來...真的是昆蟲書看太多了..
i then told my hus..my hus..拍拍手..回:兒子說得好.

Monday, 23 July 2007


last friday.. rush back to my mom's place right after work.by the time i arrived it's 9:00pm..老媽跟幾個嬸嬸,伯母在學.工廠裡學.肚皮舞.我馬上圍上肚皮舞衣就下去跳了 連跳了快1個半小時...真舒服..兩個兒子在旁看一群女人跳舞.哥哥說..媽媽你們在跳屁屁舞.是厚..!!

Thursday, 19 July 2007

Are we there yet? 我們到底到了沒? Part II

Are we there yet? 我們到底到了沒? Part I

終於上路了,要出門去玩你會粉興奮嗎? 我會柳..

第一站是Coorong,Coorong 最著名的地方就是"鵜鶘"..雖然澳洲延海都有鵜鶘,
但在Coorong,鵜鶘住在離陸地不遠的小島上. 澳洲土著叫這個地方 kyrangh 意思是 the long neck


第二站是Barossa Valley是澳洲最有名的製造葡萄酒的地區,去了別忘了帶幾瓶酒回家品嚐唷.

第三站是Flinders Ranges的風景美到不行..套句裡頭說的話:
Ah, life can't always be this good, so savour your time and bring lots of film... these will be memories you'll want to relive.

第四站是Streaky Bay
為什麼叫Streaky Bay ..是..Captain Matthew Flinders rediscovered and named Streaky Bay whilst examining the South Australian coast in the ship the Investigator. He named it after the streaks in the water in the bay (caused by the reflection of light and seaweed)
And the water was much discoloured in Streaks ..... and I called it Streaky Bay"
這裡.複製的大白鯊別忘看唷.Great White Shark Replica

第五站是Murphy's Haystacks,Haystacks是乾草堆,這是岩石為什麼叫成乾草堆,
乾草堆在Murphy土地上.所以做稱為Murphy's Haystacks

行經Nullarbor Plain 至.Great Australian bight .是一棵樹都沒有樹的地方...no tree 柳..

第六站是Great Australian bight 澳洲最大的海灣,大到有個說法是個大巨人把這塊土地咬了好大一塊,下次吃餅乾也想像自己是巨人,來個..Great Australian bite
因為海灣粉大,水溫度好造就了粉特別的生物像..Australian sea lion/Southern right whale/Leafy sea dragons等得以在此生存.. yeah!!!


inside text of the story..:

On the road at Last
I waved to Nan and Poppa until Dad turned on to the road leading out to the highway. I felt sad and excited at the same time.
Nobody said anything forages, not until we reached the coast.
Then, at the Coorong, Luke made us laugh. 'Look,' he said, 'a pilican. its beak can hold more than it's belly can.'
We saw the las autumn leaves fluttering like flags on the grapevines  葡萄藤 of the Barossa Valley.
On our first night we camped on the edge of the Flinders Ranges. It felt like we were the only people in the world.
At Streaky Bay we stuck our heads in the mouth of a great white shark.
We made letters with our shadows at Murphy's Haystacks. The giant boulders glowed in the afternoon sun.
That evening at the camping groud, Mum said Billy had to use the women's bathroom because he was still little. He was embarrassed.
'Okay,' he said, 'but if anyone comes in, call me Kylie.'
We drove past wheat silos and windmills, and Billy said,'Are we there yet?'
It took us two days to cross the Nullarbor Plain. I waved to the people in passing cars and trucks, and they always waved back.
We all had our favourite positions in the car.
The Great Australian bight loooked like a giant had bitten a huge chunk out of Australia.
Dad and Luke stood right on the edge of the cliff, but Mum stayed back. She held on to Billy and me so tight that my hand went numb.
'Ooh,' she said. "I can't look.'
At head of bight we was ten whales in the sea below us. A mother and her calf were rolling and wallowing together. Their mournful music sounded like an underwater orchestra.
'It's making me sleep,' I said to Mum.'They must be singing a whale lullaby.'




Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Reading is

Reading is, after all, the most solitary and contemplative  and long-lasting of all aesthetic pleasures. Reading is about spending time with characters and entering a fictional world and playing with words and living through a story page by page.

Monday, 16 July 2007

Daddy's always right by Credo theatre

Nina and Vassil couples formed a Credo theatre.
We are so lucky to go and saw the play "Daddy's always right" last Sat(14-July-2007).
The story based on Hans Christian Andersen story, is about an old loving couple wanting to swap the old horse for something else. Daddy went to market to swap it.
For the start he swap the horse to Cow, then ship, then Lanter with one chicken,,.. then to rotten apples. What, he swap it to rotten apples. At the bar, there is this gentleman..having a bet with Daddy! If Mommy does not get angry then, the gentle will give them a box of Gloden..
See how it happen...love is EVERYTHING!
Mommy always fully support of what Daddy's does and even reward him with a great kisses for everything he does, no matter what he swap. At end of the story the loving couple got a box of gold..Wow...Aren't life wonderful!

other info from here

THEATRE “CREDO”DADDY’S ALWAYS RIGHTafter „Daddy’s Always Right” by H. Ch. AndersenStage adaptation Nina Dimitrova, Yuriy DachevIdea, stage version, set design and costumes Nina Dimitrova, Vassil Vassilev - ZuekCast Nina Dimitrova, Vassil Vassilev – Zuek
The actors Nina Dimitrova and Vassil Vassilev-Zuek founded the independent theatre formation “Credo” in 1992. Their first show “The Overcout” after N. V Gogol gained an extraordinary success. In it the theatre tandem was noted by its expressive and original improvisational style. Already 13 seasons “The Overcoat” has been on stage in Theatre 199 and over the world. It has been performed at over 150 international theatre festivals, winning 11 internationa awards and being performed in 9 languages. At the Edinburgh festival’ 97 it was listed by the critics in their “Top 20” best events. “Daddy’s always right” after Andresen’s story of the same name, is the new production of “Credo”. Created at invitation and with the support of foundation “Hans Christian Andersen 2005” , its international premiere was in Denmark in the frame of the worldwide celebration of the 200th anniversary of the great writer’s birth. The show has been already invited to participate in international theatre festivals in Japan, South Korea and Poland. “Daddy’s always right” is a fairy-tale for adults, performed in a fantastic theatricality,
A stunning rhythm of performing that emanates warmth and coziness. And what a charming piece of acting!“Stiftstidende”, Denmark

Thursday, 12 July 2007


聽了一驚,問.. wow..你做了什麼事?
哥哥:媽媽,是洗澡間外面啦,還是在男更衣室裡頭.衣服我放不到上面的架子.只好把衣服放在凳子上 洗好時走出來擦乾..

Saturday, 7 July 2007



還是那句..沒有敎不會的小孩,只有會破壞規矩的父母..!! 我盡量不要破壞規矩...!!

Friday, 6 July 2007

Are we there yet? 我們到底到了沒? Part I

the story is told through the eyes of eight ...As a child we said it; as a parent you never stop hearing it--"are we there yet?"
第一頁就是澳洲地圖,還有箭頭標識路線,wow 是環澳洲一圈,那要花多久時間阿?

Starting out...
第一段介紹,Grace family 全家要出遊.看完這一段,心頭馬上想起..難怪以前人會說這句 "讀萬卷書,不如行千里路".Grace和他的兄弟們整整一學期沒去上課...我..我也要去啦..
怎麼環澳洲? 拖個Camper Trailer ..或者叫做 ..caravan 在車子後面,上星期跟兒子說完前幾頁.,上網.yahoo.au. 找.跑出好多圖片,哥哥以為這只不過是故事..當他看到時..笑笑說.真的有咧..

我說帶個家四處跑,不錯吧?  澳洲粉大,跟台灣不一樣,在野外沒有飯店住唷,睡在 camper trailer..裡頭粉安全,媽媽以前學生時代跟朋友住過.caravan..其實粉舒服呢.Grace 家的阿公阿嬤.顧家 ..照顧寵物,我跟哥哥說.我們爺爺以前都不跟我們出遠門..因為怕累啦..

The year I turned eight, Mom and Dad took us on a trip around Australia. Luke, Billy and I missed school for the whole winter term.Nan and Poppa stayed behined to look after Buffy and Tigger and Bess.We towed Poppa's old camper trailer, and it was our home for three months. It folded out to make a little house, with a table, a fridge, two double beds, a stove and a sink. It had everything we needed.Luke slept in his swag under the stars except when it rained, and then he bunked in with us.We were squashed but it was cosy.The day we left, i helped Nan pin up a big map of Australia so she and Poppa could follow our journey.
I wish I was coming, Grace," Nan said, as she hugged me tight. "I'm going to miss our cuddles."

這本粉長 誰叫澳洲這麼大...

to be continued....

Are we there yet? 我們到底到了沒? Part II




Wednesday, 4 July 2007


哥哥回阿嬤家,阿嬤帶兩個孫子,每天下午2~4 去游泳
到家老媽粉興奮的再MSN上說: 哥哥會水母飄浮了唷...





beky媽:..ha ha ..阿公阿嬷一聽到孫子要回來,昨天還打電話去報.游泳課!


Laws in life !

Laws in life -

you cannot get what you've never had unless you're willing to do what you've never done.

my hus always having wonderful dearms...he wants to act on it,,,but i seem to be the one who always..pulling his legs... and let him held back...am i a dream destroy person?


媽媽說..今晚party ...





媽媽是漂亮小姐...哥哥寫日記第二天..因前一天我說.看了粉傷心(謝謝ally 媽媽教我說)..