Sean borrowed it from the library on one of those nice summer day evening and asked me to read it to him over the dinner. 媽媽,你看我對你多好,借這麼棒的書回來給你看.我說哥哥你怎麼這樣會挑..哥哥:媽媽我是亂選的啦..ha ha ...
it does.. the book was is catchy. It took one whole hour to finished reading this GREAT book! The whole story is all about how he missed his" HOME" town, Prague . 第一張跨頁就是個迷宮 you where to start and where to end..
Every pic of these story ,its must have been drawing for ages to complete.
There is one story for each key...three stories inside of this story.
That morning , Sean..still watch over those fascinate about the luxury enjoyment, but time was so short.. we have to rush out for school..I begged Sean to return the book to libray on the very last day, because i want to read it agin...
what kind of the person, could draw such beautiful masterpiece,好濃厚的鄉愁!!Peter Sis 為他的小女兒,著手寫和畫這本繪本,讓她知道 where she come from..好用心的爸爸..這是他愛她的方法. take a peek click me!
結婚後,只要超過一個月我沒回家看ㄧ下老爸老媽,接下來那一個星期就會天天夢到他們,要跟他們見面..還要預約..打電話回家詢問..週末可以回來嗎?,如果是老哥或老弟接地電話,ㄧ定說 ..如果你沒帶我那兩個姪子回來..你就不要回來.我變成周邊產品的huh?,老爸老媽總是在我回娘家那晚跟我聊天到深夜,這樣隔天我才會甘願地回家...為了我,老媽學會了用msn..好讓我每天在線上能跟說上幾句她,真愛我唷...
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